It snowed last night (AGAIN!!!) I went out the door this morning at 5:30 to do my morning walk and a foot of snow greeted me at the cellar door. Thank goodness only 6 inches of it was real snow and the rest was blown around snow. I had to shovel part of the driveway so we could at least get to the cars and so the kids could out the driveway. I did that, started walking, checked my iPod which said 6:01. Of course I didn't believe it, since my iPod keeps resetting itself.By the time I got downtown, the clock on top of the church said - 6:10 -......great already behind the dime!
Let me give you a quick run through the rest of the day, get home from my walk - my hair is standing up straight, need to rewash it-hubby is already in the shower, have to wait, get out the door - 10 minutes late, back out of the snow filled driveway - I drive off the driveway, have to get coffee - but the car window is frozen, go to get gas -the little door flap to my gas cap is frozen shut (I was comedy routine trying to get it open), end up picking up my co-worker 15 minutes late!!! UUUGGGHH!! WINTER ROTS!
cast on for Hedera Socks today with my Knit Picks Essential, on my new KP Harmony needles. I love the neddles. People either love or hate them nothing in the middle. They are definitely a great take along project, if I can ever learn how to memorize a pattern. (remember I am pattern impaired!)
I've decided today that my work is starting to interfer with my knitting habit. I wish I could get more time in, but I doubt it is going to happen. I guess that's why I love long car rides, and vacations. Oh well, next one is around 6 weeks away - Vacation that is.
Easter Blessings
9 months ago
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