Tuesday, March 17, 2009

3 strikes and You're OUT!!!!

I know it's hard to admit that I'm getting old, but it's official now, especially after last week. Wednesday I had a eye doctor's appointment, and he proceeded to tell me that I needed bifocals- STRIKE number 1.

My son turned 16 on Thursday! he drove part of the way to dinner and almost killed me- no just kidding - i just got car sick for the first time in probably 10 years. (swerving issue!) STRIKE NUMBER 2!

Friday was MAMMO DAY!!! Nothing like getting steamrolled for fun.STRIKE NUMBER 3!!!

Okay MR GOD- I get it - I'm OLD ! QUit sending me reminders. The weight doesn't fall off easily, I can gain weight from smelling chocolate, my knees hurt all the time, and I'm starting to think my kids music is really loud, I'm wearing rayon and polyester - Oh NO - I'm turning into my mother!!! I knew my time would come.

it's been awhile...but here is what I have finished and started lately:

Bear's Fibonnacci Socks -that boy has seriously huge feet.
1 Hedera sock and immediately cast on the other one
Hey Teach Sweater is at the sleeve stage. I hope to block this sweater this weekend and put it together early next week.
I also cast on the Shalom Cardigan - in the second section of the yoke....SLOW but I love it!

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